Saturday, October 9, 2010

1st Sunday in Tonga

Things are fine. Living is easy so far. Peace Corps has taken care of all thinking and I just cruise along from one event to the next. Some of the other trainees are really great; they're all nice and the skill set is impressively broad. They really impressed upon us at the training how we are  family for the next two years. That's really reassuring: I remember times in China when I felt pretty alone. Its nice to know we are all invested in each other's emotional health.

I'm supposedly with a very challenging language trainer, which I'm looking forward to, since I'll need the extra help... I've been sleepy since we got here, and I can't wait to be on some kind of regular sleep schedule. I'm wearing my first skirt and just got back from church. The real work begins next week with language class. Absolutely everyone is excited for the first year of costruction educators. The four of us are excited totally pumped and pretty diverse. We're anxious to get out there, be done with training and work with the communities on exciting projects.

Been swimming and running already. But not allowed to do it today, sunday, church day, total bummer dude!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Pre-Tonga Stats

I've heard a lot about PC guys losing weight... and the women gaining it, while in Tonga. I wonder if the total poundage gained by the women can exceed that lost by the men; would that violate some basic principle of physics? Anyway, I'd like to see just what happens to my guts while I'm in Tonga. So here's what I look like now:

weight: 181 lbs
height: 6'3" (not expecting this to change)
blood pressure: 121/80
pulse: 64 bpm
body fat percentage: 8.5% (YMCA formula, what's this even mean??)
gastrointestinal parasites: unknown
diet: predominately vegetable derived
facial hair: well trimmed
hair: 8 in below shoulders